Tuesday 3 June 2008

On turning One Year Old

Having one birthday wasn't enough for son no.2, he had THREE parties. One the weekend before for grandparents and other friends & family who couldn't make the third one, the second one on the actual day of his birthday for his little friends and their mommies, and lastly, Sunday just gone for everyone else who couldn't make it before. Phew.

He's one. I can't believe this time last year I was sitting at home with a 3 day old newborn, worrying over how much milk he was drinking and if he was getting his wind up alright etc. etc. Now my worries consist of how he managed to figure out how to open the safety gate and get all the way up the stairs without falling down them. Yes, that did indeed happen last week.

Half term is over and peace reigns in the house again for the majority of the day. Daughter no.2 is embracing her artistic tendancies and skips out after nursery with an average of 4 pictures for me, pictures that she's either drawn or stuck or painted or glued or coloured; but whichever way she's chosen to do it, they're always done with love.

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