Wednesday 4 March 2009

A Shameless Plug

My cousin has set up her own business, producing handmade cards for all different types of occasions. She's an extremely talented artist and this is a logical conclusion in a way forward of using her talent.

So I hereby shamelessly plug her new venture:
and some sample cards are shown on

All cards are individually drawn and hand painted.The folded card used is Medioevalis and/or Rusticus which is similiar to a watercolour paper.

She can supply 3 different card sizes:130 x 170 mm (130 x 85m folded). 3.50 euro each
130 x 85mm (single card). 3.00 euro each
85 x 65mm (gift card size, single or folded) 2.00 euro each

Need something different? She can customize a card for you, email as much information as you can and she will do her best to meet your needs.

As I have just this morning found out that a second good friend is preggers with her second baby (October's going to be an expensive month, ooh I feel those knitting needles beckoning), I know where I'm heading for my congratulatory greetings.

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