Tuesday, 27 January 2009

A (re)discovery

so far, knit, purl and rib stitches.

Loving my needles and yarn.

Monday, 26 January 2009

Job Descriptions

A bunch of ladies that I regularly converse with via t'internet have been having a discussion about being a SAHM (stay at home mum).

So here's my take on my own personal job description for being such a SAHM:

SAHM - full time (24hrs x 7 days) carer, cleaner, cook, laundrywoman, dishwasher filler and emptier, pet carer, rugby coach, ballet practice partner (badly), nappy changer, linen changer, bin emptier, nurse, teacher, agony aunt, chauffeur, singer of songs, player of games, mediator of arguments, picker upper of various single socks lying about the place minus their twin, toilet scrubber, toothbrush from dog's mouth rescuer, answer machine as no one else hears the phone ringing, furniture mover (to hoover all the crap out from under the table/chairs/sofas/beds), expert sewer (see sub section in contract about last minute Sunday evening hem repairs), world record holding speed sandwich maker, towels from floor picker-upper, extractor of dvds/cds/childrens toys from dogs mouths, toilet roll changer, emergency fringe cutter.

Pay: Non negotiable and not much

Holiday Entitlement: Zero, unless it's to go abroad/in the UK with family and repeat all such duties as above (if holiday is taken without children in tow, spend entire time away from them worrying about whether or not they're ok, eating well, sleeping etc.)

Perks/Benefits: Giver and receiver of kisses and cuddles, inhaler of sleepy baby smell first thing in the morning/just after bathtime smells

Social Benefits: few and far between. Various toddler/family groups/music groups/tumble tots etc. attended. Arrive with good intentions but invariably revert to slagging off other half for being a lazy bas*ard and coming home paranoid because your child is not reciting his ABCs and 123s IN FRENCH like little Luca who's mother is impeccably dressed, walked 1.5miles to group because it's better for the environment and looks like she didn't put on a single pound whilst pregnant and whose French nanny is at home cooking Coq Au Vin.

Various Girls Nights Out allowed, maybe once or twice a year (NOT to be taken as holidays nor the day after because of self inflicted hangover). See point above re. good intentions.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

I despair

how am I meant to be dieting, in January, when it isn't even the END of January yet and these have arrived on the shelves......

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

(Realistic) list

of what I've done so far today:

1. Been to the drs and got my immunisations for Vietnam
2. Picked up son no.2 from Mr H at home and hot footed it over to a music shop to buy reeds for son no.1's clarinet
3. Dropped reeds/clarinet/music book at son no.1's school
4. Come home and persuaded (he didn't need much) son no.2 to take a nap
5. Checked emails etc (and typed this)
6. Brewed coffee which am about to enjoy now as I've only had one cup this morning

The laundry? - still waiting and still unloved

Monday, 12 January 2009

(Optimistic) List for tomorrow

1. Finish previously mentioned childminding policies.
2. Persuade son no.2 to have his morning nap
3. Drink copious amounts of coffee
4. FIND previously mentioned felt for various crafting projects
5. Plead with son no.2 that it really is time to go to sleep and have his morning nap
6. Finish half hearted attempt to do the laundry
7. Figure out what to have for lunch
8. NOT spend more than 10 minutes in the morning checking emails, facebook (the horror) etc.
9. Drink some more coffee
10. Wake son no.2 from morning nap (alternative option here is to fetch him out from his bedroom as he bangs on the door having already awoken from morning nap)

Spend the afternoon lamenting the fact that yet again, the list is unaccomplished.

..and first position....

daughter no.1 never wanted to learn ballet. She was a tomboy through and through at age 5 (not that you would know now, she's by far and away the most feminine young woman you'd want to meet, albeit slightly glowing every now and again due to overly liberal use of fake tan).

However, daughter no.2 is a "girly girl". Loves everything pink, flowery, fairy inspired, fluffy bunnies, wearing her hair in pigtails, pretty dresses. When she asked Mr H and I last November if she could learn ballet, I actually clapped my hands in that annoying way they do in films (minus the excited squealing though thankfully) because I was so happy. After years of standing out every Sunday morning during the rugby season in the cold, rain, wind, snow, freezing cold (delete as applicable) watch son no.1 training and playing, my time to sit at the back of a dance studio surrounded by ballet slippers and little girls in tutus had come along at last.

So off to ballet we went. It wasn't quite the start I'd wished for as we almost got lost and couldn't find the dance school but by sheer luck and some slightly dubious navigating, we managed to arrive with five minutes to spare before the beginning of the lesson. The first lesson she sat and watched for the first half, then joined in as best she could in the second half. The next lesson though was a triumph, she quickly mastered the most basic of little galloping steps, a very sweet little fairy dance and some (although I do say so myself) intricate little tap steps. And was promptly moved up a group after just 1 week. By this point I'm bursting with pride and having visions of attending her debut performance with the Royal Ballet......

At the end of the penultimate lesson before the Christmas break, she was moved up to the next group. Cue excited hand clapping from us both upon telling Mr H when we got home.

Last Saturday was her first lesson back after the Christmas break. And in my eyes she was extraordinary, I would have expected her to forget at least half of what she'd already learnt, but she hadn't. In fact she did the best I'd seen from her so far. And at the end of the lesson, the teacher came over to tell me that she was moving daughter no.2 up to the first Exam Group as she was progressing so well and so quickly, and that her discipline (sometimes severely lacking at home due to a lot of daydreaming and arguing with older siblings) was excellent. We watched the first ten minutes of the next class - the one she will be attending from this weekend on - and when we got home she was keen to practise First and Second Positions.

To say I'm proud of my little girl is an understatement. She has embraced dance with all her heart and it truly is lovely to watch.

back to normal

it's raining. After all that lovely frosty cold weather that was doing us all the power of good, clearing out our lungs, making us appreciate our scarves/gloves/hats that little bit more, we're back to our normal precipitation. In my mind I'm already running to the medicine box to find vapour rubs, cough mixtures, throat sweets as the rain can only mean that all those cold bugs will be soon making an unwelcome return.

Last Tuesday, my home town was the coldest place in England - imagine that, we're usually only famous for an air show. http://www.prisonplanet.com/global-warming-at-10c-britains-colder-than-the-antarctic-and-experts-say-it-will-get-even-colder.html

It's now lunchtime, I have basketfuls of washing that need to go into the tumble dryer, which is (in)conveniently stored in the shed, it's bucketing down outside and son no.2 is happily watching a little blue steam engine on dvd.

The dogs are asleep, says it all really.

Friday, 9 January 2009


Today, I AM going to accomplish the following:

1. Write up my childminding policies
2. Make a start on some more felt cubes for son no.2
3. Make a start on some felt cookies and other goodies for daughter no.2 for her new Cherry Blossom Stores
4. Tidy up the back garden
5. Change son no.2's nappy - oh wait, I have to do that RIGHT NOW!

A change

of name, mommy's last nerve is no longer applicable, as this is the year where I'm not going to have any more nerves to be gotten upon......

New name is hampshiremamaoffour, not terribly cool, but all the REALLY clever cool names were taken, boo.....