Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Festive Seasons

We had a wonderful Christmas, the children were neither under or over-whelmed by it all which makes a refreshing change. My mum cooked the most marvellous dinner and we all came away feeling very sated, happy and content. Daughter no.1 can claim the prize for the most innovative present given this year, she bought Mr H and I tickets to see Keane in concert in February! What a splendid, clever girl she is.....

I just haven't felt very "in the mood" this year, I can put my finger on the reason why so it's not a mystery. Consequently Mr H and I have already started to take down some of the decorations and daughter no.2 has already insisted that we leave the tree up all year as the lights are "so pretty".

Today is New Year's Eve and my resolutions for next year are simple, try to make more time for myself to do the things I enjoy (and not spend every waking moment a slave to laundry, not sure how that's going to work with six of us in the house!).

A healthy, happy and blessed New Year to everyone.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Saying goodbye

to a beloved pet is hard, especially hard when she has been with you for nearly 18 years. Our lovely Tabby, our black cat, went to sleep last night. She hasn't been herself lately, she wasn't eating as much and had lost lots of weight and was beginning to loose the use of her back legs - we would laughingly refer to it as Tabby having a "moment" but it's not much fun when you can't stand up or put any weight on your legs.

She was a beautiful cat, very friendly and affectionate, was very fond of giving the children kisses on their nose and very tolerant of the dogs - although she preferred the Jack Russell to the Shih-tzu for some reason.

We'll all miss her, but I think I will miss the times when in the afternoon, having found five minutes to myself to nurture a cup of coffee and sit down on the couch, she would jump up onto my lap and look at me as if to say "take a break mum, come sit with me for a bit" most of all.

Rest now our lovely little Tabby......